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Writer's pictureSergey Markov

Afforestation in Western Australia.

Updated: Dec 4, 2022

Preparation of a project for ecological afforestation of desert areas

and semi-deserts, as well as the formation of tropical forests in parts of northwestern Australia.

This is what the northern area next to Lake Argyle might look like in 15-20 years. This site has all the conditions for landscape preparation and afforestation using only rainwater. The area of ​​the planned forest is about 3000 ha. In addition, there are already 50 to 100 trees per hectare. Therefore, to create a full-fledged forest, it will be necessary to plant another 150-250 trees per hectare.

The rainforest that can be planted in the north of Lake Argyle.
Rainforest that can be planted in the north of Lake Argyle.

A forest that can grow in the headwaters of the Fitzroy River. The area of ​​the future forest will be more than 1,000 square kilometers. This forest will retain rainwater during the rainy season and gradually release moisture to the Fitzroy River during the dry season.

This forest in the Fitzroy River basin can turn green in 15-20 years.
This forest in the Fitzroy River basin can turn green in 15-20 years.

More than 40 million trees willgrow in this forest.

Similary we can pick up hundreds of plots in the north of Western Australia and create conditions for the formation of forests there.

Grow forest in the desert, using only rainwater. This is real. The main thing is the desire to get the result.

In Australia, the question of the uneven distribution of fresh water on the continent has been discussed for many years. Scientists and engineers offer projects for pumping water through various systems like pipelines, canals, and transportation. However, there is a simple and very cheap way. This is a forest. Forest is a powerful natural pump, pumping huge masses of water into the continents. When this pump is running, water from the coastal areas moves further and further from the shore as long as there is a forest.

By forming forests in the north and northwest of Western Australia, it is possible to deliver water to the southern desert areas. To do this, first, you need to form forests in areas no further than 500 kilometers from the sea shore.

I plan to create water landscapes in the desert and create conditions for the growth of tropical trees.

The main task of the landscape preparation is to retain water on the soil surface, to enable it to cool the ground and slowly absorb. It is very important to feed the body of the earth with moisture, since it is the soil that is the best reservoir for strong water in the desert.

In the beds of drying streams, earthen dams need to be built, not angular, but curved, fitting them into the landscape. The height of the dam should not be too big. Its main task is to stop the outflow of groundwater. In order to increase the area of ​​moistened soil, from the obtained reservoirs, we arrange swales.

As a result of landscape preparation, the volume of flowing rainwater will decrease. Water lingers and nourishes the soil. There are conditions for the growth of trees.

Let`s do it together. Together we can change our world for the better. Of course, in order to grow the forest in large areas, it will take much larger investments. But even a small part of the required amount will help to improve our world.

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