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Soil composition and groundwater depth

In afforestation, in order to determine the species composition, timing and order of planting the plants of the future artificial forest, it is necessary to study the available soils, the time and amount of precipitation, as well as the depth of groundwater.

Desert or forest

Chemical composition of soils.

soil for afforestation

Soil analysis is carried out in various ways. The choice of a method for studying the chemical composition of the soil depends on the reason for the analysis. In our case, this is the selection of the species composition of the future forest. Based on the results of the study, we make a decision on the set of plant species and the time of their planting on the prepared sites. For example, in nitrogen-poor soils, we will select nitrogen-fixing plants as pioneers. Soils very poor in organic matter will probably need to be fertilized with humus, straw, or other available ingredients.

The presence and depth of groundwater.

When planting trees, it is very important to consider the availability of groundwater. If the water table is not high enough, measures must be taken to raise it. Areas where water is available to trees during the year will require less landscaping.

groundwater depth


Rain for the forest

Drawing up an approximate schedule of precipitation on the ground, as well as their intensity, is required to determine the timing of planting. The graph will show the time the body of the earth is filled with water and the driest time. Dry times will show us when it is necessary to pay particular attention to the condition of the plants and, if necessary, provide support. Rainfall rate is an indicator of how much rain is coming through and how local soils are coping with water absorption. This shows us how to carry out work to create aquatic landscapes, the main task of which is to keep rainwater from flowing away and allow it to be completely absorbed into the soil.

The study of groundwater, sediment and soil is one of the main preparatory steps for creating a forest in a desert or semi-desert. It is the accuracy of the research that will determine the justification for the costs of preparatory work and planting of plants, the quality and viability of the new forest, as well as all the results of our work.

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