Green Circle of Namibia | New project of ecological afforestation
Updated: Mar 11, 2024
Preparations have recently begun for a new desert afforestation project, Green Cercles of Namibia. As the name implies, the project will be implemented on the territory of Namibia with the support of the government of the country and the active participation of the community that owns the territory of the Oscop Concervacy reserve.
Currently, we are engaged in the selection of a site for launching a pilot project, as well as preparing the species composition of the future forest. I invite you to take part in the discussion of the species composition in the comments or by e-mail.
With regards, Sergey Markov.
A good Idea is to use eucalyptus trees as sticks for the fence, you can cut them off after a while use the wood an they start growing again. So the fence is a living object. Kind Regards Urs If i know the area of the project I could help with climate stimulation. At the moment there are some projects in Namibia. just contact via email info(at)
In Marienthal it is possible to aktivate the Hardep Reservoir then the wetherflow increases enormus / also aktivate the river Then if you load up the seeds for the trees the roots gets stronger and the plant grows better when it is dry Other climate aktivation systems are around Otjiwarongo, Windhock and…