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List of trees for afforestation in Namibia

Species composition of forest plantations in the area of ​​Hardap, Namibia for afforestation. The creation of a new forest should improve the standard of living of the local population. This is a unique opportunity to help people enjoy life and develop.

Currently, the species composition for afforestation of the pilot site in Namibia is creatin. You can email me suggestions for the types of trees that you think may be on this list. For each species, please attach the most detailed description and justification for the need to add this tree to the list.

Camel thorn for afforestation

Accacia erioloba, camel-thorn.

Accacia erioloba a typical tree in the drier regions of southern Africa, widespread in various types of savannahs and is the dominant tree species, especially in Namibia and Botswana. It is a fairly slow growing but extremely durable and drought tolerant tree that makes an excellent shade tree for desert areas.

Accacia galpinii, Senegal galpinii. Afforestation

Accacia galpinii,  Senegalia galpinii

Accacia galpinii is a very hardy, fairly fast growing deciduous thorny tree, one of the largest of the acacias. In September and October, it blooms even before the leaves bloom, with spectacular white bottlebrush-like flowers that turn purple before they bloom.

Ziziphus mucronata, Buffalo thorn. Afforestation

Ziziphus mucronata, Buffalo thorn

It is a small to medium-sized tree with an erect or inclined trunk. Buffalo thorn in South Africa blooms from October to April. This quality can be useful for beekeeping.

Terminalia sericea. Afforestation

Terminalia sericea, wild tamarisk

The forest grows up to 9 meters, but isolated trees can reach 23 meters. This is the first species that easily takes root in previously unforested areas and can form dense shrub thickets. Resistant to waterlogged soils and arid conditions, quite resistant to saline soils. It needs full light to grow well and has a tendency to shade weeds, so its presence helps climax species to take root.

Cedrus libani. Afforestation

Cedrus libani

As the name suggests, this tree is native to Lebanon. Lebanon, in terms of climatic conditions, is close to Namibia. The species of this evergreen coniferous plant is relict. Currently, there are only 4 breeds left on the planet out of several dozen that existed before, but their numbers are rapidly decreasing.

Afrocarpus falcatus for afforestation

Afrocarpus falcatus

It is a drought tolerant, coniferous, evergreen large tree of South Africa. If it takes root and reaches its maximum size, it will rise above the forest canopy and form the upper tier.

 Juniperus procera in afforestation

Juniperus procera

Under natural conditions, it grows in Africa, spreading south to 18 ° south latitude. It is widely found in the mountainous regions of eastern Africa. It is the only juniper to grow south of the equator. Also grows in the Arabian Peninsula. Low soil requirements.

Date palm for afforestation

Date palm

There are many species and varieties of date palms bred in the world, so we will need help in selecting for our purposes.

Paulownia, adam tree for afforestation

Adam's tree

There are many species and varieties of paulownia bred in the world, so we will need help in selecting for our purposes.

Delonix regia, flamboyant tree for afforestation

Delonix regia, Flamboyand tree

One of the brightest trees in the world! Due to its bright reddish-orange colors, this tree is called the flame of the forest. It is as if the tree is glowing with lights because of the bright vibrant color of the flowers.

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