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Afforestation of the Hardap region
in Namibia


Plan for the development of the Hardap region in Namibia through afforestation. The afforestation project can become the basis for economic development and improving the living standards of the local population.

The Government of Namibia not only says that it is necessary to improve the living standards of people, but also takes concrete actions in this direction. Our project can become one of the programs for economic development. We present to your attention a long-term plan for the development of the Hardap region through afforestation.

For efficient use of resources and obtaining noticeable results, we define round areas with a diameter of 1060 meters. The area of ​​such plots is 353 hectares.

Afforestation project

The circumference will be 6645 meters. We enclose the area with a fence around the circumference. To enter the site, we install gates from 4 sides and connect them with roads through the center of the circle. We are also planning ring roads every 100 meters from the center and ring roads on both sides of the fence.

In the center of the site we arrange a recreation area, an office, a warehouse and a parking lot for equipment. If there is a possibility of uninterrupted water supply, we create a tree nursery.

When we leave the area, after the final reforestation, this office can be used for further activities such as beekeeping.

1st year.

We define the 1st section and take out its markings on the ground. We make a fence and gates. We do landscape preparation to the extent that available resources allow. We will organize a tree nursery. In order to plant a forest on a plot of 353 hectares at the rate of 1,000 seedlings per 1 hectare, 176,500 seedlings will be needed.

2nd year.

Before the rainy season, we plant seedlings in the prepared area. We support the seedlings during the dry season. In the following seasons, we observe the growth of seedlings and determine the need to support trees in this area.

3rd year.

We define and prepare the 2nd section at a distance of at least 3 kilometers from the first. We also plant seedlings on the 1st site instead of those killed in the dry season.

4th year.

Before the rainy season, we plant seedlings in the prepared area. We support the seedlings during the dry season. In the following seasons, we observe the growth of seedlings and determine the need to support trees in this area.

5th year.

We define and prepare the 3rd section at a distance of at least 3 kilometers from any of the 2 finished sections. If in the first section flowering trees began to bloom, we determine and prepare a place for creating an apiary.

6th year.

After afforestation of 3 plots, we get about 1000 hectares of young forest. This forest needs to be maintained for about 3-5 years until signs of a sustainable forest ecosystem are obtained.

7th year.

We define and prepare the 1st agroforestry site. On this site we plan to grow trees for timber harvesting and horticulture for growing fruits.

8th year.

We define and prepare the 2nd agroforestry site. On this site we are engaged in the cultivation of timber and crops.

9th and subsequent years.

We identify and prepare as many agroforestry sites as we want to obtain a sustainable agricultural system with the aim of producing in the following areas: timber harvesting, growing vegetables, growing fruits, growing cereals, beekeeping, moderate cattle breeding.

List of required resources and equipment.

  1. Bulldozer Shantuy SD16 or similar

  2. Excavator Kamatsu 220 or similar

  3. Fence 6645 meters and 4 gates for each site

  4. Truck with a barrel for water delivery

  5. Truck for delivery and refueling of diesel fuel

  6. People who are ready to engage in tree planting, fence installation and other work

  7. Bus for delivering people to the place of work

  8. Hand tools

Depending on funding, the time frame for completing this plan may increase or decrease.

The afforestation project in the Hardap region has the potential to provide a basis for economic development and improve the living standards of the local population. After all, forestry and agriculture are the basis for the development of all industries.

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