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When choosing a place for afforestation, it is necessary to look for the beds of drying streams, in which it is possible to organize a water landscape.

When choosing a planting site for the first trees of the forest being created, we must take into account the most important thing  -  this is the ability of the first planted trees  to  take root,  grow and create conditions for the survival of more moisture-loving plants.

The low coast of Lake Argyle, which is periodically flooded with water, allows us a unique opportunity to plant moisture-loving rainforest plants in semi-desert conditions.

In the picture on the right, a site is highlighted, which we are examining for the possibility of creating a rainforest there with an area of ​​70 hectares.

Smooth areas with rare eucalyptus trees can be compacted with drought-resistant  species   of  trees and shrubs.

afforestation north of Argyle Lake

The main task in such areas is to create soil  protection  from  sunlight  for  as  long  as possible after the rainy season. Such an area of ​​20-25 hectares is located 3 km east of the planned rainforest.

Afforestation of the semi-desert

We will examine hilly areas for the possibility of creating water landscapes, check the depth of groundwater. Here it will be necessary to determine a plan of measures for the retention of rainwater on the surface to allow moisture to fill the body of the earth.

We will do a lot of research to choose the right afforestation method. This will allow us to increase the percentage of plant survival.

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